Personal Advice Team Services and Charges

Transparent, low cost, high quality advice.

View our services and charges

"John was superb and explained everything I needed to know in an easy to understand way. I will definitely be using their services in the years ahead."

Paul, 52

We can help you, too. Book a call today.
An example price list shown on an iPad screen
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how our service works

You've found the service for you.
This is how it works.

Talk to a real human
A free, no obligation 20 minute call where we will:
  • Listen to you to understand your situation and goals
  • Answer your questions
  • Talk you through how our advice can help and what it will cost.

Sign up to your Personal Finance Portal,
where you can store your information, view your advice reports and communicate with us securely.

A person using a laptop
Fact Find Meeting
A 45 minute call with an expert who will:
  • Understand what’s really important to you
  • Use the information you have provided to make sure we have an accurate picture of your personal and financial situation.
  • Answer your questions
This Presentation Call call is a chance for us to present our advice to you.

We’ll make sure it is clear, bring it to life visually and give you the chance to ask any questions you have

Your adviser will take the time to go through everything with you, ensuring that you feel confident and informed every step of the way.

A chart showing money growing
Once you are happy with your report, we will then implement the plan for you, meaning you can relax knowing your finances have been taken care of and are in expert hands.

Book a call with our friendly team

Book a callA group photo of the team